Wednesday, August 4, 2010

update on the girls

Sophia is 2 years old now and we are potty training...uuuuggghhhh I know she will get it soon but it would be nice if she was already potty trained haha. Today so far she has wet herself two times but she has also used the potty two times :) we have never made it twice to the potty in one day so that made me happy. Sophia also told me, "no pee-pee in undies" and when I asked where we pee-pee she said, "the potty" this is really big because before when I would ask her if we go pee-pee in our undies she would say, "ok". So for her to tell me no pee-pee in undies is a really big deal. We also started a sticker chart for her potty, which she really likes, and it is great!! She loves putting her sticker on when she goes :) Sophia also is learning to count. I got her sparkly craft fuzzy balls and we count them. She can count to 12 but she always misses 8. She can also count to 8 in spanish. Each day Sophia amazes me more and more. She is getting so smart and I'm very proud of her. She also loves to sing, it is the cutest thing ever to listen to.

Olivia is 5 months now and growing like a weed!!! She crawls everywhere and loves playing with the cat. Her first tooth popped up this week, that explains why she has been so crabby. I started Olivia on rice cereal (I know they say wait til 6 months but I didn't with Sophia either) Olivia really likes eating from a spoon, and she is getting really good at it. When she isn't crabby from teething she is such a happy girl always giving the biggest smile :)  Olivia is also a thumb sucker....oh no... haha

I love my girls so much and I'm so blessed by God to have them to raise.

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