Thursday, February 17, 2011

Break out the flipflops baby!!

The weather has been sooo nice the past couple days!! Sophia and I wore flipflops to church last night, daddy thought it was crazy but it made me and Sophia so happy :) I'm looking for more days to wear my flipflops, I don't like shoes to much (even though I have tons of them). I love painting my toenails fun colors and showing them off! Sophia loves it too!

Today it has been wet and foggy (not very pretty) and it's supposed to get cold again. :(

I can't wait til SUMMER!!! I have so many plans or going to the beach and park with the girls. I think this summer is going to be alot of fun. Both girls are at an age were they can play (Olivia was a lil baby last summer) and we are going to spend every minute we can outside.

Just a side note...I HATE SPRING!!! I hate the mud and the wetness and how everything looks so dirty. Well I do like the smell of spring and that summer is just around the corner.

Come on summer, I am ready!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya!
    I'm so excited for warmer weather - it's hard to be creative in the winter I find.
    And not sure if you remember from out MBBC days, but I too share your love for flip flops! :)
    I'm about 20 weeks now and feeling good. Although 3 babies in just over 3 years takes a toll on the body eh? I'm not sure what you are doing to look so great, but keep it up!
