Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can I have a minute please?

Why is it that I can be in the living room with my daughters and they are playing so nice and not bothering me. BUT then the minute I walk into the kitchen and sit at the table to get on the computer all chaos breaks loose!! They start fighting over that one blue lego out of a hundred, or screaming "I gotta pee-pee, I gotta PEEEEE-PEEEEE" , or begging me to "build a house" from legos. My youngest will stand at the gate we have between the living room and kitchen and shake it (it's metal and makes a banging noise) and she will screech as loud as she can.

I'm guessing it's the gate...The grass is greener (or the toys are shinier) on the other side lol

Speaking of shiny toys, the other issue I have is the laptop...and this is why I sit at the kitchen table now.

My children think it's like a fabulous toy that only mommy and daddy can play with. Both my children try to sneak their fingers on to the laptop and push buttons while I'm on it. You see this little hand come from around the back then they strike! pushing as many buttons as they can before I can grab them. My youngest is quick! Olivia (almost one) actually grabbed the laptop once and tried to run off with it!

And even now as I'm typing this Sophia is at the gate yelling for help with one of her toys :)
Some times I wonder if the gate is more of a help or bother....but that said...I LOVE MY CHILDREN!!!

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